Friday, June 15, 2007

Anne and Joan's Visit

Our friends from New York, Anne and Joan, came for a visit this week.
It was so great to see them after so long. They came to relax but we dragged them all over Nicaragua. We hope they had fun!

More photos!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Double Riding

Today was a big day for me. I rode all the way home from school along the highway on the cross bar of a stranger's bike. I also double rode my first passenger! A student (my favorite) needed to go home due to a massive inflammation of his eye (most likely pink eye) and someone needed to speak to his mother.

For those unaware of this amazing mode of transport, a brief description. You may place any number of people on your bicycle in various locations. Women ride side saddle on the cross bar, regardless of the sex of the driver. Men can ride astride the cross bar or standing on specially installed posts on the back tire of the bike. Any number of configurations can be assembled on one bike at a time and you will regularly see entire families on one bike. Mother side saddle holding baby (or babies), older children at the rear. My personal favorite is a man with a toddler balanced on his knee so the baby/toddler moves up and down with the rhythm of the peddling.

Yes, it all appears very dangerous and your legs tend to fall asleep but you get used to it. Really.

Jeannine with Winston, one of my favorite boys in Granada, at the isletas

Christy with Winston